2013년 3월 31일 일요일

Unit.11 Students Don't Respect Teacher

                  Recently, in Korea, I have heard that students hit their teachers in school. At first, I couldn't believe that, so I thought this situation was exceptional. However, there are many situation like this. Since the rule about the school was changed, students began to look down on their teachers. It is so serious situation. Although the changed rule might improve student's rights, the prestige of teacher is on decline. According to some article about school, most of students say they don't respect teacher. I think their response can say many things. The most important one is the charactor. If students don't respect teachers, they can't build a upright charator. Building a upright charator is the reason why we have to go to the school. If we go to the school only for studying, instead we would go to the academy. It is good that the government considers student's right.

                 However, the government  have to improve teacher's rights too. I thnk teachers have to be stronger than students in school. If they are weaker than their students, they would start to neglect teachers. So, the government should make the rule about teachers. Now, I am not saying that students have to weak, but teachers have to be strong. When teachers are standing on right place, our education can be shine.

댓글 1개:

  1. It is a tough situation. Both students and teachers need to have good characters. However, sometimes people even show disrespect for good teachers. In those cases, maybe students should encourage each other to be more respectful and work together with the teacher more. Good job, DongHyeok!
