2013년 4월 8일 월요일

Uint.12 It could happen to you!

This story is about my best friend. My friend loves to listen to music, especially Hip-Hop. So, he always put on head-phones. Even when he is talking with other people, he uses it.

             Someday, we is taking same class. He knew that he should put off it in the class, but he forgot it at that time. So, he could not listen to his teacher's voice although he turned off the music. Other classmates were so suprised that they could think that we have to say to him. However, I was best friend. I had to say him to put off the head-phones! So, I said him "you should put off the head-phones right now! If you don't, the professor will get mad!" Fortunatly, he realized that at once. Immediately, he put it off. 
             However, strangely, he could not listen to the professor's voice, like before. Why could not he listen? Maybe, you will be suprised if you hear the answer. The answer is "Sponge" The sponge is used in head-phones edge for being comfortable of ears and shuting off outside noise. When he put off the head-phones, the sponges remained the ears. So, he couldn't. But, he didn't know that, he thought ' I am cragy? or my ears is broken!?' He was a true fool!

댓글 1개:

  1. Haha! That is really funny! Good for you for reminding your friend to take off his headphones in class!
